Did you pay your dues?

Our society provides many of its member benefits and resources through the volunteers that have a passion for Germany Philatelics.  However, we are only able to provide these benefts through our dues collections and generous donations we receive throughout the year.

If you have not paid your dues yet, please go to https://store.germanyphilatelicsocietyusa.org/ and your will be able to process your dues payments online.

We wish to thank all those that have supported our organization in the past and look forward to your continued support.

Virtual Stamp Discussion Group – Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 8PM EDT

Come join us and interact with fellow stamp collectors.  We will be presenting questions and seeking answers to some questions you may have regarding your Germany Stamps.  We are asking for people to register for this event and a link to it as the date approaches will be sent to you. 

Send your questions with scanned images to germanyphilatelicsociety@gmail.com

The link for the Zoom Meeting will be posted own our website before the meeting. Please go to https://www.germanyphilatelicsocietyusa.org to find the post.

Future Shows:

Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 8pm Eastern
Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 8PM Eastern
Sunday, December 6, 2020 at 8PM Eastern

Upcoming Activities

Make sure to visit the GPS Webpage for listings of the various events we have involving our members and the GPS

GPS Virtual Stamp Meeting

Saturday August 15, 2020 at 2om EST we will be having a GPS Virtual Meeting for members that wish to discuss items of their collection pr have any questions. This will be an open forum and we ask you to email any specific questions to germanyphilatelicsociety@gmail.com. Email us to get the information to log on.

GPS at the APS Virtual Stamp Show

The GPS in conjunction with the APS have set up a series of talks regarding some Germany Related Material during their Virtual Stamp Show.

DateTime (EST)PresenterTopic
8/18/205-6pmMichael H WilhelmReview of History of Gottschee through Stamps and Postmarks-Germany Occupation of Laibach
8/20/202:30-3:30W. David Ripley, IIILast Issue of General Government
8/21/203-4pmDoug CochraneZusammundrucke Reklame
8/21/203-4pmChris KolkerOverview of Heligoland
8/22/203pmGPS General Meeting

GPS Virtual Stamp Exhibit Show with Judging

We are also hosting a Virtual Stamp Exhibit and encourage our members to enter their exhibits. This is a great opportunity for those that have not tried before and wish to get a judging and review of their work.

Visit http://stampshow.germanyphilatelicsocietyusa.org

GPS Member Only Section

Finally, we have updated and made a special member only webpage. If you do not have access to this please email germanyphilatelicsociety@gmail.com and we will get you setup. In this section you can view the recent and some previous editions of the Specialist as well as participate in an online forum, which can be used to ask questions about items in your collection.



The Events and Times that Molded the Man


REVISION: For those who might have seen this exhibit in some former state it has been totally revised, condensed, remounted and augmented with new materials throughout. The suggestions of previous juries have been greatly appreciated and resulted in this improved exhibit.


This is a seven frame display exhibit depicting the life of the German General, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, and unlike many display exhibits it spans nearly a century of philatelic and world history.  The exhibit highlights the life of this extraordinary individual from his birth in Saarlouis in 1870 to his death in 1964. In addition to being a soldier he was: an activist for the return of a colonial empire; cautious in dealings with the Nazi regime; an author; and, a politician serving in the Reichstag. He was best known as the brilliant commander and master of guerilla tactics in German East Africa during WW I.


Every attempt has been made, through extensive research, to accurately depict events and details of Vorbeck’s life. The exhibit provides a series of thematic vignettes referencing the times, places and events that influenced his life. Materials used for the exhibit include period items representing postal history or other philatelic material, post cards, photographs, newspaper, book and periodical clippings, and other non-philatelic material appropriate to the story.  The materials chosen thematically relate to an event, time or place which influenced his life; in some cases there is a direct relation of material to Vorbeck. However, material directly related to Vorbeck is rare as most resides in archives, museums or private collections. The exhibit is divided into five chapters as follows:

Chapter 1: 1870-1900, The Training of a Soldier (22 pages)

            Birth in Saarlouis; Military Training; Early Military Experience.

Chapter 2: 1901-1914, The Molding of a Commander (26 pages)

The Hottentot and Herero Rebellions; Befriending of Jan Smuts; Command Assignments in Germany; Command in German Kamerun; German East Africa Command.

Chapter 3: 1915-1917, Vorbeck’s Role in WW I – The German East Africa Front (29 pages)

Relevance of GEA;  Early Victories; Salvage of the Königsberg; Resourcefulness; Battles with Jan Smuts; Receiving the Pour le Mérite; Airship L-59; Evading the British and Allies.

Chapter 4: 1918-1927, Armistice and Return to Germany (17 pages)

Armistice; The New Germany; Colonial Activist; German Inflation.

Chapter 5: 1928-1964, The Third Reich and Postwar Years (18 pages)

         Politics and the Nazis; Bremen; World War II; Final Years; Epilogue.

All items are matted in maroon and important items are double matted with maroon and white being described with bold font;certified items are designated by the symbol ©.


As noted above the chapters are fairly well balanced. The key to any display exhibit is to judiciously use non-philatelic material allowing the majority of the story to be carried by philatelic items. The APS judging manual does not give specific guidance other than not to overwhelm the philatelic aspects of the exhibit. Previous juries have questioned the amount of non-philatelic material. To mitigate the necessity for judges to count actual material the following metrics should be useful. Out of 112 pages there are only 9 pages or 8% which have no philatelic material, 29 pages (26%), are purely philatelic, and the remaining 74 pages (66%), have both philatelic and non-philatelic items on the same page. There are a total of 407 elements in the exhibit, of which 142 or 35% are non-philatelic; the remaining 265 elements or 65% are philatelic. Accordingly, the exhibit clearly allows philatelic material to carry the story.


 A large amount of the material for this exhibit came from war zones often in tropical climates. Accordingly, covers and other items will show the normal stains, foxing and abuse expected of such usage. However, wherever possible the best material has been included.

Rarity and Difficulty of Acquisition. 

Material directly related to Vorbeck is rarely found as most that remains are in archives or private collections. Much of the material, both philatelic and non-philatelic, is difficult to find owing to the limited time periods of use and the limited quantities available. Additionally the exhibit spans nearly a century thus requiring additional challenge in finding items to properly document numerous historical events and places. I have purposely tried to find not only important examples of the period, place or event but also rare items which are designated by the aforementioned double matting. The showing of the Wuga provision issue has raised some comments; however, it was commissioned by the Governor of GEA, Dr. Schnee and follows several pages of other examples of the resourcefulness of the Germans in difficult times, from minting coins from salvaged armaments to using hand stamped prepaid franks when stamps were in short supply. The Wuga issue is as much a part of this story as any of these. To reiterate, the exhibit is about the times, places, people and events that Vorbeck experienced and that influenced his life.

GPS Meeting at the APS Virtual Stamp Show

GPS Annual Meeting to be held at the APS Virtual Stamp Show⁠

With the APS making time available the GPS had decided to host an annual meeting for members to ask questions to the Board of Directors and its officers.⁠

The meeting will be August 22, 2020 at 3pm EST. More information to follow.

To register for the Virtual Stamp Show please visit the APS Website Registration Page